Aarav, a mere five-day-old infant, had been battling a serious heart condition since birth. With the guidance of a private doctor, his family made the arduous trip to Delhi in search of medical assistance. However, their initial efforts proved futile as they encountered disappointment after disappointment in government hospitals, unable to secure the immediate help Aarav desperately needed. Just when they were beginning to lose hope, a ray of light emerged through a friend's recommendation: the Child Heart Foundation.
Upon reaching the foundation, Aarav underwent a free echocardiogram that confirmed his diagnosis of Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA). It became apparent that he required a PDA Device Closure, a complex procedure that came with a hefty price tag in the lakhs. Sadly, this cost far exceeded the means of Aarav's family.
Taking into consideration their financial constraints and the frustration endured in their quest for treatment, the Child Heart Foundation stepped in. They recognized the urgency of Aarav's condition and understood the dire circumstances his family faced. With their expertise and compassion, they enrolled Aarav in the CHF HRIDAAN program in order to get the necessary funds, and personal needed ensure Aarav received the life-saving procedure he so desperately needed.
Thanks to the support and intervention of the Child Heart Foundation and Smile of Hope, Aarav's family experienced a renewed sense of hope and relief. The foundation's unwavering commitment to providing affordable and accessible healthcare for children with heart conditions made all the difference in their lives.
Aarav is now 5 years old and has started going to school.
He is on regular follow up via telephone as well as through clinic visits.
Aarav’s mother said:
"Only because of Smile of Hope and Child Heart Foundation, she is able to see his child growing day by day as like other children’s. "
Power in Numbers